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    Product Name:ePillow Pillow/Car use pillow/ ipad car cushion
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    Product Details

    The ePillow is another clever iPad pillow that doubles as an actual… pillow! Able to support your iPad at almost any angle and complete with luggage straps, this is the perfect solution for any and all frequent travelers. We love how this iPad pillow actually doubles as a pillow and can totally see using it on airplanes or bus trips when we get tired of typing and need a little nap.

    The iPad sits safely in the little pocket and can be used in landscape and portrait mode. Our only quibble with this iPad pillow stand is that it’s not the best angle for laying in bed and reading, it’s more for sitting and using on your lap (i.e. while traveling). This awesome 21st century travelers accessory is available .



    One of great benefits of the iPadis that you can take it with you anywhere you go: to the office, to a coffee shop, or on a cross-country flight. But chances are, you use it just as much at home, lounging, snug and cozy, on the couch or in bed. And you’ve probably found yourself trying to figure out the best way to keep it steady—propping it up on your legs, holding it in your (eventually tired) hands, and so on.


    供应苹果ipad平板电脑抱枕/ipad3抱枕/ipad2抱枕/ The new iPad Pillow/广创平板电脑抱枕;



    ePillow for iPad, “18″x11″ Brown suede with black faux leather wedge, 3″ pocket on front for headphones or microfiber cloth.”

    It’s unique patented design provides comfortable support while reading, watching movies, browsing the web, and using the keyboard.

    供应ePillow枕头, iPad枕头, ipad配件, 苹果配件,苹果底座/支架,苹果抱枕,ipad阅读抱枕;

    ePillow is perfect for the frequent flyer.

    ePillow comes with a carry-on strap for easy handling. Just drop it through the handle of your luggage and be on your way.

    Exterior colors to choose from: brown, black, red, pink, blue, green, cream-colored, purple,